The path of a start-up: chapter 1

I started Kibbutz company with no prior experience of being a founder, no team, no funding, other than a long term goal of bringing communities closer together (which is the Hebrew meaning of Kibbutz) . 

I began with developing the “Rooster Kids Activities” app by Kibbutz which re-invents the way kids’ extracurricular activities market works. Rooster is an activity platform for kids where parents can book any extracurricular activity and easily coordinate with groups. 

The first unofficial team member was my husband; he motivated and advised me, from the very first exciting step of creating the initial funny mockups to hiring designers and developers. My friends helped me with running different beta testing and altering the product design together with me. A professional team was formed, working closely together. It was tiring, I needed to manage time for the creation of this great product that I truly believe in and for my beloved kids who inspire and need me every day. It was also exhilarating - I was changing while creating something that would potentially create a change in other peoples’ lives.

Now, after launching our first version of Rooster on the Appstore, ranked currently  #1 on under kids activities, following my long term dream of bringing communities closer together, I wanted to share that there is a huge strength in that first step, and even greater in being committed to it throughout the journey of a startup. That first long term vision is honest, very powerful and meaningful. It was important of constantly remind myself of my original vision.
To my entrepreneur friends having the resilience and courage to do what you do - cheering for you! Make the world a better place.


#startup #experience  #founders  #founderstories  #education  #kids  #kidsactivities #kidscamp #kidseducation  #change

“Jump, and you will find out how to unfold your wings as you fall”